Community projects: A didactic experience in Community Formation
training, community participation, social developmentAbstract
The purpose of this article is to present the results of a Participatory Action Research whose objective was to develop a Community Training Program through which participants learned to carry out Community Projects. Aimed at members of the Los Naranjos Neighborhood Community Council in the Municipality of Valencia, Carabobo state, Venezuela. Based on Maslow's Theory of Needs. For its execution, a dichotomous instrument was applied in order to diagnose the needs and applicability of the program, structured as follows: An I Part, exploratory regarding prior knowledge of community projects. A Part II, to specify the interest of participation of those consulted in developing community projects. And a Part III, designed to determine the need to implement a community formation program. From the results obtained from the diagnosis, the need to create a training program based on satisfying the cognitive need that facilitated them to carry out their own community projects was determined. Finally, it was concluded that through community participation in project management, they can be empowered and self-manage their social development by being part of the decision-making related to public policies that compete with them.
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