Strengthening spatial-geometric thinking through multiple intelligences in early childhood education




thinking, intelligence, mathematics, geometry, education


This action research was based on the purpose of strengthening spatial-geometric thinking through multiple intelligences, in early childhood students, at the Miguel Antonio Caro IED school, in Bogotá, between the academic years 2014 and 2018 respectively. The present one, was framed in a mixed approach, of descriptive type, in a population of schoolchildren, of primary education, of third and fifth grades. The collection of information was based on the direct observation technique, in conjunction with the results achieved by the students, on the state primary SABER tests and data obtained with the application of the teacher questionnaire, to diagnose multiple intelligences in Armstrong's primary school (2001 ); and the adaptation of Prieto and Ballester (2003). Estimated the outlined data, it was concluded, in the need to mediate academically, through the design and execution of a pedagogical intervention program, structured with dynamic strategies, from multiple intelligences, leading to the consolidation of spatial-geometric thinking, in schoolchildren , managing to enhance mathematical skills and competences, typical of spatial-geometric thinking.


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Author Biography

Deisy Yasmine González Rojas, Secretaría de Educación Distrital, SED

Nacida en Colombia, Departamento de Cundinamarca, municipio de Nocaima, el 15 de abril de 1981. Doctora en Educación; Magister en Neuropsicología y Educación; Magister en Docencia Universitaria; Licenciada en Educación y Promoción de la Comunidad, con énfasis en Matemáticas; Bachiller Pedagógica; Me he desempeñado por más de veinte años, en el campo de la educación, como docente de educación preescolar, primaria y secundaria, como directiva docente en el sector rural y urbano, con comunidades escolares, de todas las edades.


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How to Cite

González Rojas, D. Y. (2020). Strengthening spatial-geometric thinking through multiple intelligences in early childhood education. Revista Scientific, 5(17), 79–99.