SCImago: A portal that universities must know to position themselves and achieve scientific prestige
database, scientific publication, science popularization, indexingAbstract
This research constitutes an analysis of the Internet portals of SCImago Journal & Country Rank and SCImago Institutions Rankings, databases that include indicators of scientific activity used to evaluate the productivity of universities or institutions dedicated to research, as well like all those organizations in charge of publishing scientific magazines. It was based on the statements of Rodríguez, Socorro and Espinoza (2019); Túñez-López, Valarezo-González and Marín-Gutiérrez (2014), among others. The methodology is of a documentary-bibliographic type, the SCImago portals were consulted, as well as scientific articles and research referring to the study topic. These portals offer the user a series of data, tools and services that are useful for evaluating the performance of research management institutions, and also allow measuring the impact of scientific activity in countries worldwide; They are characterized by their easy access and availability on the web, so it is important for universities to know the scientific indicators that are used in these portals, in order to climb positions within the research rankings, and allow them to achieve scientific prestige before national or international community.
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