Nursing Practice: from the Hospital Context in Venezuela
humanism, paramedical personnel, nursingAbstract
The objective of this article is to reveal the epistemic elements of nursing practice in the Venezuelan hospital context, based on the interaction with nursing professionals (qualitative method), of the establishments of the National Public Health System (SPNS) of Hospital Dr Jesús Mata de Gregorio and the Hospital Dr. José María Vargas, Caracas, Venezuela. Resorting to the revision of the Nursing Professional Practice Law (2005); and the Code of Ethics (2009); with references of humanism such as Acosta and Acosta (2019); and the humanized care of Guerrero-Ramírez, Meneses-La Riva and De La Cruz-Ruiz (2015); based on the interpretive approach, qualitative paradigm, emerging design of Guba and Lincoln (2000). The in-depth interview was used as a data collection technique, and for the analysis, the Continuous Comparative Method of Strauss and Corbin (2002) was used, through open, axial and selective coding, emerging as a central category, the Practice Nursing Humanist. The findings reflect that this practice is based on humanism, ethical-moral values, reflective acts and competencies. Concluding that knowledge is essential to carry out this practice, since it is linked to the understanding of the philosophical elements that govern professional conduct, helping to encourage research to strengthen nursing in the Venezuelan hospital context.
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