The Effect of COVID-19 on the Economy and Education: Strategies for Virtual Education in Colombia
educational strategies, educational technology, ColombiaAbstract
The COVID-19 virus was detected for the first time in December of the year 2019 in China, later the first months of the year 2020 it spread through several countries of the world, thus reaching Colombia. Due to the pandemic according to the Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá (2020): there are more than 500,000 companies in Colombia facing enormous financial pressure. Once the COVID-19 threat subsides, life and work cannot go back in time. The implementation of telework for the work development of the company and its staff is essential in times of health crises. The closure of educational centers, primary schools, middle schools and universities was one of the first measures taken by the National Government to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. In this way, the country's educational institutions face a threat or difficulty in learning. The objective of this essay is to show the effects of COVID-19 on the Colombian economy and education as well as the recommended strategies for virtual education.
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