Stevia as a sweetener in desserts and its effect on glycemia in patients with diabetes mellitus
Stevia como edulcorante en postres y su efecto sobre la glicemia en pacientes con diabetes mellitus
organoleptic characteristics, diabetes mellitus, gastronomy, stevia, dessertsAbstract
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by high blood glucose levels, often leading to dietary restrictions. Therefore, the objective focuses on evaluating the variability of glucose levels before and after the consumption of desserts sweetened with Stevia, in addition to their organoleptic acceptance. This study adopted a mixed and cross-sectional, non-experimental approach. The quantitative part used a glucometer to measure glucose levels, while the qualitative part used a five-point hedonic scale to evaluate organoleptic attributes such as color, aroma, flavor and texture. An analysis of variance (ANOVA), an Anderson-Darling (AD) normality test and a Tukey comparative method of means were performed. Obtaining that the analyzes revealed that there is no significant variation in glucose levels after consuming three different desserts in 55 (21 + 34) participants. Organoleptic acceptability was high, with an average score of 4.6/5. Concluding that the use of Stevia in a proportion of 8% compared to sucrose is viable in manufactured products, without significantly affecting glucose levels in people with diabetes.
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