Society and Education in the Process of Change: Evolving Alliances and Sustainable Projects
cultural change, educational ecosystem, educational innovation, school climate, sustainable developmentAbstract
This essay examines the impact of organizational climate in educational settings, highlighting its importance for teacher well-being and student learning. It analyzes how factors such as globalization, technological advances, and changing social demands have transformed the educational landscape, creating new challenges for educators and institutions. The text explores key concepts such as teacher burnout syndrome, introduced by Freudenberger (1974); and developed by Maslach and Jackson (1981); job satisfaction, and the need for innovation in educational models. A Creative and Entrepreneurial Learning-Teaching Ecosystem (CELTE) model is presented as a response to these challenges, integrating various actors and resources to foster more adaptive and sustainable learning. Drawing on Toffler (1970); warnings about the effects of technological development on education and Castells (2006); observations on inequalities created by the information society, the essay underscores the importance of aligning education with the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. It concludes by emphasizing the need to transform educational systems to create positive organizational climates that enhance personal, institutional, and community development.
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