Occupational Stress and General Health in Administrative Workers of the Banking area
work stress, general health, COVID-19Abstract
In the different jobs, human beings are exposed to psychosocial risk factors, it is unavoidable and they are conditioned by the job. The appearance of COVID-19 increased the harmful effect on health. The objective of this research was to determine how work stress affects the general health of the administrative staff of the Association of savings and credits, San José, Chimbo canton, Ecuador, during the COVID-19 pandemic in the 2019-2020 period. The methodology: non-experimental, descriptive, correlational design with cross section. The study population 60 workers of the Cooperative. The main findings, five inferences were found mainly between physiological symptoms, social behavior and intellectual-work with psychosomatic damage, anxiety and insomnia. And low perception of health in general by workers. People exposed to stress were 10 times more likely to have physiological damage. As a conclusion, it was determined that among the main triggers of health problems is stress in the workers of the study cooperative and that the social and economic tension caused by the pandemic increased their exposure.
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