Motivational Educational Management Based on the Philosophy of Complex Thinking


  • Belquis Andreina Toro Hoyos Universidad Fermín Toro, UFT



educational management, motivation, complex thinking


The present research aims to generate an analysis about motivational educational management based on Edgar Morin ’s complex thinking philosophy, which provides sources of knowledge to guide school management towards participation and assessment processes. Methodologically, it is qualitative in nature, with descriptive analytical posture, of a phenomenological nature. The type of research is field; the collection techniques are the in-depth interview and observation log, applied to three (3) educational managers, as the interview guide instrument. Triangulation of data was developed for interpretation. The analysis was approached considering the information and findings found in the managerial discourse of the key informants. With the interpretations made to the key informants' discourse, it was possible to know that managers do not know the competences inherent to the position they occupy, as well as the benefits offered by the philosophy of complex thinking; Causing great disagreements between the members of the institution, affecting the harmony and exchange of trips that allow to improve the educational quality. Therefore, it is necessary to offer an analysis that allows the reflection and orientation of the managerial role towards the achievement of effectiveness, in addition to promoting an adequate working climate.


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How to Cite

Toro Hoyos, B. A. (2017). Motivational Educational Management Based on the Philosophy of Complex Thinking. Revista Scientific, 2(Ed. Esp.), 29–47.