Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Quality of Life in older adults
emotional intelligenc, quality of life, older adultsAbstract
The importance of managing emotions and its relationship with Quality of Life constitutes a permanent attention factor, suggesting that the greater the capacity to manage emotions, the greater the Quality of Life, mainly in older adults, as a vulnerable group. The objective was to determine the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Quality of Life in older adults. A study was carried out with a quantitative, observational, cross-sectional, prospective and analytical approach, corresponding to the relational level, in 120 older adults from the “My Best Years” home care service in the Palmira parish, in Ecuador. It was based on the hypothesis of the existence of a positive relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Quality of Life in older adults. The TMMS-24 was used to measure the first and the WHOLQ OLD questionnaire was used for the second. It was concluded that out of 18 possible associations there is only a correlation in 4 groups according to Spearman's Rho, Clarity and autonomy, clarity and past activities; attention and social participation; repair and autonomy complying with a level of p<0.05 with an intensity that was scored significantly. Therefore, there was a slight relationship between the variables raised in the study population.
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