Instructional module to develop market analysis within the entrepreneurship and management course

Módulo instruccional para desarrollar el análisis de mercado dentro de la asignatura emprendimiento y gestión




instructional module, market analysis, entrepreneurship, management


Market research is an important factor when it comes to entrepreneurship. Understanding what potential customers may need is a key guideline in future business. For this reason, this research aims to design an instructional module to develop market analysis within the subject of entrepreneurship and management; to achieve the objective, research was conducted under a positivist-quantitative paradigm, with a descriptive level, while the population consisted of students from the 2nd year of the Unified General Baccalaureate (UGB) parallel "B", with a sample of 20 students. The instrument used for data collection was a dichotomous questionnaire, containing 19 items; among the main results, it was evidenced that the students' knowledge regarding business plans in the subject of entrepreneurship and management was not developed, and there was also a favorable perception of the application of the instructional module and the optimization of knowledge in the subject. Once the proposal was applied, the purpose of the research was achieved, as it developed and improved students' understanding of the importance of market research when undertaking and establishing a business.


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Author Biography

Víctor Manuel Anastacio Peñafiel, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, UBE

Nacido en Guayaquil, Ecuador, el 28 de noviembre del año 1996. Ingeniero Comercial en la Universidad de Guayaquil (UG); Magister en Pedagogía con mención en Formación Técnica y Profesional en la Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador (UBE); certificado en Formación de formadores por el Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano de Tecnología (ITB); Registro de la Secretaría Técnica del Sistema Nacional de Cualificaciones y Capacitación Profesional (SETEC), No. MDT-6072-CCL-492823.


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How to Cite

Anastacio Peñafiel, V. M., Echeverría Guzmán, Ángel Y., & Guzmán Hernández, R. (2024). Instructional module to develop market analysis within the entrepreneurship and management course: Módulo instruccional para desarrollar el análisis de mercado dentro de la asignatura emprendimiento y gestión. Revista Scientific, 9(Ed. Esp.), 96–115.

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