Gamification in Mathematics Teaching as an Innovative Strategy for Developing Analytical Reasoning
Gamificación en la Enseñanza de Matemáticas como Estrategia Innovadora para el Desarrollo del Razonamiento Analítico
gamification, mathematics teaching, pedagogical innovation, bibliometric analysis, analytical reasoningAbstract
Gamification emerges as a promising methodology in mathematics teaching, particularly for developing analytical reasoning. This research evaluated its impact through an exploratory qualitative approach, combining bibliometric analysis of 2,209 articles in Scopus (2000-2024) and a case study at Huamboya Educational Unit (Ecuador). Bibliometric analysis results revealed sustained growth in gamification research (9,59% annual rate), while the case study demonstrated higher student participation in gamified classes (87%) versus traditional ones (58%). Teachers identified gamification as facilitating motivation and active participation, although they noted limitations such as lack of resources and training. Implementation of gamified strategies in teaching linear equations showed significant improvement in effective feedback (90% versus 60% in traditional methods). It is concluded that gamification, when properly implemented, constitutes a valuable tool for transforming mathematics teaching, although it requires development of teacher training programs and specific institutional policies.
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