The Management of Directorate of Culture and University Social Responsibility from one Integrative Cosmovision
culture, responsibility, universityAbstract
The university, as a responsible organization, through its extension function produces impacts, possesses a Social Responsibility directly related to the university mission and its management processes. The purpose of this study is to generate a theoretical construct on the management of the Directorates of Culture and University Social Responsibility from an integrative worldview. The investigative process was based on the qualitative approach, with an emergent paradigmatic position clarifying, based on the phenomenological-hermeneutical method. The technique of in-depth interview was used, the information was processed through categorization, coding and triangulation, allowing the interpretation of the phenomenon investigated and generating a theoretical construct from the epistemological, ontological, axiological, philosophical, praxeological and teleological foundations related to the management of the Culture Directorates and social responsibility, based on the experiences of each key informant, from an integrative worldview. The cultural extension allows to form students and communities in knowledge, knowledge and experiences, in the university environment, from a multidisciplinary learning. It is concluded that universities should provide spaces for exchange between knowledge and knowledge with a critical and creative stance for comprehensive and interdisciplinary training aimed at physical and mental well-being, strengthening professional training, action, scientific, cultural, technological and environmental towards the benefit of the community.
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