Dance The Crazy of Santa Barbara: Intersubjective Expression of the Feeling Popular




traditional dance, cultural education, culture


Dance is a way of expression of the human being, it becomes a phenomenon of community representation. In this sense, the following research article is presented whose purpose was to understand the dance "The Crazy of Santa Barbara" as an intersubjective expression of popular feeling in the Santa Bárbara community belonging to the parish of Caracciolo Parra, Libertador municipality of the State of Mérida. It is carried out in the qualitative paradigm, ethnographic method. Key informants three dancers, descendants of the founders of the sector. For the collection of the information and its analysis, discourses are developed between the informants and the researcher. The results of discourse analysis explain identity as a cultural, social and religious phenomenon allows human beings to appropriate their own or differentiate themselves from what is foreign, the dancers significantly internalize their mystical expression in the Santa Bárbara dance. The study concludes from the view of the dancers an intangible value to the culture, revitalizing their ancestors, even when variants emerge, it is conserved, resurfacing every four of December in honor of the patron, the dance unites to the coexistence between own and strangers and invites the researcher to spread the knowledge of knowledge, customs and assets of the community.


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Author Biography

Eyra Yraima López López, Universidad Fermín Toro, UFT

Nacida en la ciudad de Mérida, Venezuela. Licenciada en Letras Mención Literatura hispanoamericana de la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA, 1995); Licenciada en Educación (ULA, 1998); Especialista en Planificación Educacional, Universidad Valle del Momboy (UVM, 2003); Magister en Orientación, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL, 2010); Doctorando Gerencia Avanzada, Universidad Fermín Toro (UFT, 2017); Doctorando Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL, 2018); Componente en Investigación de la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA); Docente Activa de la Dirección de Educación, Estado Mérida. Tutora y Jurado de trabajos de Investigación de la Universidad Valle del Momboy (UVM) y la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL); Afiliación Educación y Gerencia.


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How to Cite

López López, E. Y. (2019). Dance The Crazy of Santa Barbara: Intersubjective Expression of the Feeling Popular. Revista Scientific, 4(12), 89–103.