Reflection of administrative management to improve the academic results of the Commune of Ovalle
management, education, academic achievementAbstract
At present there are several investigations that are aimed at finding explanations and factors that influence the low or high performance of students, descriptive, explanatory, exploratory and correlational studies. The purpose of this article is to understand how processes and procedures of the administrative management of a high-vulnerability municipal educational institution intervene in the academic achievement of the students of the Ovalle commune, during the year 2008-2009, in the framework of the training program for management teams and teachers of vulnerable schools in the Coquimbo region. To this end, various theoretical aspects are necessary to know to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the educational dynamics focused on the administrative management of educational establishments that have been the focus of this research. The research is of a qualitative type, from which a content analysis expressed in a descriptive manner is made. It should be noted that, the conclusions allowed to promote different actions such as: systematization, conduction and involvement of all the actors of the Educational Unit. However, they showed disparate results in the evaluation of the lessons learned after the students.
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