Cultural Elements in the Teaching of Nahuatl in La Resurrección
Elementos culturales de la enseñanza del Náhuatl en La Resurrección
nahuatl, education, childhood, cultureAbstract
This study examines the teaching of the Nahuatl language in La Resurrección, Mexico, through a comparative analysis of two educational institutions. It provides a detailed description of nine schools in the auxiliary board, highlighting disparities in the prioritization of the Nahuatl language. While some schools do not include it in their curriculum, others actively promote it. The work of Xochiquétzal School is emphasized, which has been teaching Nahuatl since 1991, incorporating it into various educational activities. The lack of interest from some students and the influence of external factors, such as discrimination, are revealed. Furthermore, improvements in teaching are proposed, advocating for collaboration between teachers, educational authorities, and national certifications. In conclusion, the need for a joint effort between the State and society to preserve and celebrate the cultural richness represented by the Nahuatl language is emphasized.
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