Reforestation Program as an Environmental Alternative in the Recovery of Recreation and Leisure Spaces
environmental education, environment, forest managementAbstract
The purpose of this research is to develop a reforestation program as an environmental alternative in the recovery of recreational and leisure spaces in the Morrocoy Abajo Community, Sector I, San Silvestre Parish, Barinas Municipality, Barinas State. In what refers. To the methodological aspect, the study focuses on the qualitative paradigm, having as support the ethnographic method, it is considered as a technique to use the interview, as for the key informants, three (03) were considered, which were chosen according to the criterion of the researcher, according to the actors that are considered binding: neighboring knowledgeable of the environmental matter belonging to the community under study. As a conclusion, mention can be made of the fact that the research is currently in the process of being developed, being able to establish that organized communities handle specific strategies for the integration of these, where timely guidance as a social process leads to participation active and effective of those involved; from there, this approach indicates that the process of community participation must be relevant to the needs of the individual-society where it is carried out.
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