Learning through the use of Technological Tools in inclusive Education and the strengthening of teaching
teaching, learning, teacher, student, technologyAbstract
The current Ecuadorian educational system is facing a variety of challenges, which is why this research is being carried out to analyze the importance of the implementation of technological processes in improving teaching-learning in the face of this emergency that we are going through where we are. in a confinement, where it is necessary to rethink the most appropriate strategies and methods that attend to the diversity of each student. As well as assessing the fundamental role that the teacher plays as a mediator of this process and the need to access various trainings that allow them to make correct use of technologies and therefore serve the interests of students. It is a challenge that must be faced, in effect the following work presents the advances that have emerged in terms of ICT-TAC and PET as educational trends, which change traditional concepts, becoming tools to learn to learn; aimed at a quality education and success in every student.
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