Didactic guides in the teaching-learning process: New strategy?
teaching, learning, teaching learning process, didactic guideAbstract
Thinking about didactic guides constitutes a renewed topic of discussion at the present time, with the purpose of contributing to this debate, it is reflected in these pages. The didactic guide is understood as a didactic resource that integrates in itself other resources and components of the teaching-learning process such as the objectives, the contents, methodological strategies, the resources to support the strategies, the ways of organizing the process and the strategies of evaluation, which are personalized by the teacher's planning work and the possibilities, gaps and needs satisfied by the students. Due to their breadth, the guides can organize a teaching task, a class with several tasks, a unit, a course, integrative disciplines, therefore, it can be considered a guide or a system of didactic guides. The functional structure of the didactic guides is varied, given contextual factors such as characteristics and level of development of the students, teacher preparation in the area of knowledge and didactics, among others. The didactic guides can be elaborated for diversity of learning modalities, ways of organizing teaching-learning and independence of the students. The essay proposes reflection on theoretical and practical aspects related to teaching guides.
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