Emotional Communication, associated with academic performance in the Amazonas School of Basic Education

La Comunicación Emocional, asociada al rendimiento escolar en la Escuela de Educación Básica Amazonas



emotional communication, academic performance, educational practices


This research explored the relationship between emotional communication and academic performance at Amazonas Basic Education School, using a mixed-methods approach that combined qualitative and quantitative elements. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers, and a Likert scale questionnaire was administered to 96 students. Results revealed that most students positively perceive emotional communication in the classroom and its impact on learning motivation. Teachers recognized the importance of an emotionally safe environment for learning, although they identified challenges in its implementation. A significant correlation was found between effective emotional communication and increased engagement in learning, as well as improvements in interpersonal relationships. However, variations in individual perceptions were observed, highlighting the need to address differences in emotional competencies. The research concludes that promoting educational practices that foster positive emotional communication is fundamental to improving students' academic performance and emotional well-being, suggesting the implementation of professional development programs in emotional communication skills for teachers.


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Author Biographies

Diana Patricia Barriga Castillo, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, UBE

Nacida en la ciudad de Macas provincia de Morona Santiago, Ecuador, el 12 de enero del año 1988. Con título de tercer nivel en Licenciatura en Educación con Mención en Gerencia Educativa, graduada en la Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica (UTI); Docente con nombramiento provisional en la Escuela de Educación Básica General Amazonas, perteneciente al Cantón Morona, ciudad de Macas, Ecuador.

Aurora Colombia Rosales Tomalá, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, UBE

Nacida en la Provincia de Santa Elena, Cantón Salinas, Ecuador, el 28 de octubre del año 1968. Poseo título de tercer nivel de Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación mención Pedagogía; y Magister en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil por la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL); Docente con nombramiento definitivo en la Unidad Educativa Eugenio Espejo; durante siete años cumplí las funciones de vicerrectora; actualmente decidí aceptar un nuevo reto asumiendo las funciones de Rectora en la Unidad Educativa Virginia Reyes, del cantón Salinas, Ecuador.



How to Cite

Barriga Castillo, D. P., Rosales Tomalá, A. C., Torres Pazmiño, M. G., & Castillo Montúfar, C. R. (2024). Emotional Communication, associated with academic performance in the Amazonas School of Basic Education: La Comunicación Emocional, asociada al rendimiento escolar en la Escuela de Educación Básica Amazonas. Revista Scientific, 9(Ed. Esp. 3). Retrieved from http://indteca.com/ojs/index.php/Revista_Scientific/article/view/573

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