Assessment of Learning an Indispensable Topic from ICT: Reflecting in a Global Context
evaluation, learning, ictAbstract
This study focuses on understanding the assessment of learning in university programs for which it is proposed to inquire about the learning theory of connectivism by Siemens (2005), the main purpose of this article is to list some elements that provide an articulation with this theory , also to point out some outstanding components in relation to this theory considering the study modality of university programs and finally to propose from a broad conception an innovative evaluation model with application in ICT, based on the above, this work is supported by a qualitative research, supported by Monje (2011), the method to follow to understand it is the phenomenological hermeneutic of Heidegger (1989). As a research technique, documentary analysis is proposed. Among the conclusions, it is appreciated that distance education is a path that is just beginning in some universities, because some traditionalist teachers fear change, it is also appreciated that teachers must work more on the walls that are drawn, however it is a rewarding experience for the participants, in addition the assessment of learning allows to connect theory and practice through a formative evaluation of feedback.
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