Teacher training under the modality pedagogical couple practicing at the National University of Education
vocational training, teaching profession, teaching practiceAbstract
This article is about the practicing pedagogical couple, teacher training modality at the National University of Education (UNAE), based on the Pedagogical Model and Preprofessional Practice Model, normative documents background of the research. The methodological process starts from the theoretical-categorical review before, during and after the research process to assume the concept of practicing pedagogical couple. Thus, it is understood as a practicing pedagogical couple to students who carry out a cooperative, reflective work, of pedagogical accompaniment in the pre-professional practice process. Likewise, the techniques and instruments useful in the methodological procedure involve subjects of the UNAE as well as the institutions where the pre-professional practice is carried out. The problem, what will be the functions of the pedagogical couple practicing in the training units?, leads to the proposal of five functions (communicative, organizational, executive, investigative and evaluative) with their respective criteria. Indeed, the practicing pedagogical couple is considered as a crucial modality to promote cooperative work, dialogue, planning, feedback, reflection, among other aspects that are lived daily in the course of practice.
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