Administrative Management and Its Impact on Professional Teaching Performance
La Gestión Directiva y su Incidencia en el Desempeño Profesional Docente
educational management, teaching performance, learning strategies, teacher training, quality of educationAbstract
This study examines the relationship between management and teaching performance at Juan Montalvo High School, highlighting the importance of effective leadership in improving student performance. A mixed qualitative-quantitative approach was used, with a non-experimental field design and an exploratory-descriptive-explanatory level. Five managers and 19 teachers were surveyed using a Likert questionnaire. The results revealed shortcomings in communication, goal setting and delegation of managerial responsibilities, as well as teacher weaknesses in active strategies, use of technology and assessment. A training project on active teaching-learning strategies was designed to strengthen teaching performance and improve academic achievement. The implementation of the project showed a positive impact on pedagogical practices, fostering more participatory and student-centered learning. It is concluded that addressing the identified weaknesses in management and teaching performance is crucial to achieve educational quality and the integral development of students.
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